Moving can be stressful especially when moving with kids. I put together a list that I used to help me through my recent move from Indiana to Texas! Hopefully this list will help make your move go more smooth! Happy Moving!
1. Research.
Before moving, research the new city you are going to be living in. Find kid friendly things that city has to do and make a big list. Then have a family meeting and present to the kids what you have found. My kids loved looking online at all the theme packs, water parks, and splash pads. If possible, visit the city you are moving to so they will be excited and not so nervous.
2. Map the Move.
Whether you are flying or driving, let the kids in on the fun. I printed out maps for all my kids and we showed them exactly where we were going which roads we were taking to get there, and fun things to do along the way.
3. Get Some Help.
Yes, we all love our kids, but sometimes it is nice to have some help! Friends and family usually love to help and say their last goodbyes. You could even hype up a play date pary week for the kids. Pick their most favorite people and friends to watch them for periods of time. And when the kids are gone, it will make you work faster and harder.
4. De-clutter.
One of the hardest things to do when kids are awake is to get rid of their unwanted toys, papers airplanes, or any other items they don’t play with. Just be sure once you have de-cluttered their items, put them in a safe place before you give them to Goodwill. If they find the bag of toys, not only will they be mad at you, but it will be even harder to get rid of them. (this I know from experience) ha ha.
5. Say Goodbye.
Moving is hard on children. A few weeks before you move, have the kids write good bye notes, and thank you notes to friends and neighbors. Be sure to include your new address so your old friends can still keep in touch with you and your kids.
6. The Moving Bag.
2 weeks before you move, let your kids pack a special back pack that is just for them. Have them pack their favorite toys, and things to do while you can pack. We even went to the Dollar Store and bought some little toys that will keep them busy while I pack.
7. Little Jobs.
Give kids simple jobs to help them feel apart of the moving process. I would usually get a box and let them fill it with stuffed animals and other toys. The kids loved to help and it packed some boxes that I would have to do myself.
8. Little Artists.
I don’t know about you, but big brown boxes are a hit at our house. I brought brand new marker and crayons and let the kids go to town. It kept them busy for hours! (Don’t worry, I made sure the “Plan to get rid of Ensley” didn’t go through.)
9. Keep Buying Groceries.
Moving with kids is a completely different experience compared to moving with no children. As adults we can make due with whatever is in the pantry. Kids are different. I still want them to eat fruits and veggies so we won’t have upset stomachs during the move. Moving across the country can take a few days with kids (and a lot of potty stops). You are also going to be eating out the whole trip. I recommend going to the grocery store a week before you leave. It is not only good for your family but it will save you a lot of money.
10. Kids and Moving Day.
We gave ourselves 4 days to pack up our Relo-Cubes. It was the perfect amount of time and we didn’t feel rushed at all. If you are looking for kid friendly way to move, I highly suggest U-Pack’s Relo-Cubes. They sit right on the ground so I don’t have to worry if my kids are balancing on the edge of the trailer. U-Pack also comes and picks up your containers and ships them to your destination. It takes the stress our of moving so you can stress about other things… like your kids.
For more information about Relo-Cubes you can go HERE.
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