The more I use my Instant Pot, the more I truly do love it! I couldn’t live without my Instant Pot at this point – it saves me so much effort with preparing quick meals and side dishes!
You can use your Instant Pot as a pressure cooker, steamer, hot plate, skillet or rice cooker. I love to sauté veggies, brown meat AND make yogurt in an Instant Pot. I use the sauté and pressure cook functions the most.
If you are new to Instant Pot cooking, be sure to check out the 6 Best Things to Cook In The Instant Pot video. It will help so much with the basics!

Frequently Asked Questions
I actually own two Instant Pots. I’ll often have them both cooking at the same time if I’m doing food prep for the week or making a main and side dish for dinner. You might think I’m crazy, but it is so convenient!
I own both the 6 quart Instant Pot LUX and the 6 quart Instant Pot DUO (You can find them both HERE) I love and highly recommend both, depending on your needs. The 6 quart is perfect for feeding a family on a daily basis. The main difference between the LUX and DUO models is that the DUO can make yogurt.
I run the Six Sisters’ Stuff Youtube channel and a very common question I get asked is if I use it all the time or I just use it for recipes for my videos. So I thought I would help you out.
You can make easy dump and go meals in your Instant Pot. If you forget to start your slow cooker, you can make dinner fast in your Instant Pot (I do this all the time). You can easily cook meat from frozen. You don’t need to watch a pot on the stove or a pan in the oven – you just set it and walk away. The pressure cooking process develops delicious flavors quickly. I’ve never had a better stew than my Instant Pot Beef Stew!
So one of the most common questions I get asked is what do you make on a weekly basis? Well, I’ll be honest. I love making recipes, but when I’m not filming for Instant Pot videos for Youtube – I’m the same as you. I’m just trying to get a meal on the table. Now I don’t make every one of these items every single week, but I do make them each a few times a month. (Except chicken – that one I make every single week!)
Questions & Reviews