So a couple of months ago, I was sitting behind this little boy at church and he pulled out these cute little hand puppets with interchangeable parts (like a Potato Head) and they kept him entertained QUIETLY all through church! At the end of the church service, I pulled out a scratch piece of paper and frantically started drawing all the little parts that I could remember. I then came home and drew up some puppets of my own. My sisters came over the next day and we spent the afternoon making these puppets with all their many different parts and the rest is history . . . I LOVE how they turned out and my kids (and husband!) have had tons of fun with them. We take them to church, to the doctor’s office, in the car- anywhere I need the kids to hold still and sit quietly for a little while. The best thing is all the parts can easily be stored in a Ziploc bag and thrown in your purse. Want to make some? Well, you are in luck because we are sharing all our secrets (and our patterns!)!
Thannk you for your creativity & generosity!
so Cute!!