I just love living in Utah! I not only love the mountains but I love being so close to all my family now! My Mother-In-Law made these Coffee Filter Decorative Balls for all the granddaughters and she showed me how to do it. Not only are they super cute but they are SO easy!
Coffee Filter Decorative Balls
What you need:
4 inch foam ball
About 200 White Coffee Filters
Hot Glue Gun
Non-Sharpened Pencil End – You could even use the backside of a colored pencil
Spray Paint (optional)
How to make it…
Start out with your coffee filter
Put your pencil exactly in the center of the filter
Fold your Coffee Filter up onto the pencil
Run your fingers over your filter and pencil
Flip your pencil upside down and add a drop of hot glue
Take your glue end and press it hard against your foam ball. Hold it there for a little bit so it can set.
You can place the filters close together or further apart. You can also use smaller or larger foam balls. I’m going to try my next one with a 1 inch ball to make it a smaller ball to fit by the other ones.
After it was complete I spray painted one of them pink and added a ribbon onto them. I hot glued the ribbon and tacked it on with a thumb tack for extra support.
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