Every Monday night we get together as a family and do an activity. We wanted to do something fun and different and my husband gave me the idea to make homemade Hula Hoops. We went to the store and each girl got to pick out their own color of tape to color their hula hoop.
Basic materials you’ll need:
- irrigation tubing
- a PVC cutter or small saw
- a connector (coupling)
- rice or small beans to fill your hula hoop
- colored electric tape
First, cut the hula hoops so they hit your child’s chest.
Insert your connector to one side of the hoop.
Fill your hoop wth rice or dry beans
Then decorate it with your decorative tape.
My girls played with these for hours after we made them!
And, does it matter how much rice or beans we put in? Is it just for sound effects?
THanks for any suggestions. I think this is such a cool thing to do with the kiddos. I have 2 girls of my own that would love this!!