Spread Pillsbury Crescent sheets on a flat surface.
In a bowl, mix together 4 oz cream cheese and pumpkin puree.
Spread mixture over both Pillsbury Sheets in an even layer (you may not use all of the pumpkin mixture). Sprinkle cinnamon and brown sugar over pumpkin mixture until most of the dough is covered. Carefully roll each sheet into jellyroll shape.
Using floss, or serrated knife, carefully cut into 3/4 inch sized slices. Each sheet should make about 10 cinnamon rolls. Place cinnamon rolls into greased 8x8 pan or combine both rolls in a 9x13 and cook for 16 minutes or until tops turn golden brown.
Beat together cream cheese, softened butter, vanilla, and powdered sugar. Spread over cinnamon rolls after they cool. Enjoy!
We used the crescent roll dough in seamless sheets.