In a large bowl make the red cake mix according to the directions on the package. Spray a mini muffin tin with non stick spray and add your cake batter until the cup is about 3/4 full.
Cook according to the directions on your cake mix.
Remove from the mini muffin tin once they are done cooking and let them cool. Put on your frosting making it look like fur by using a star tip and putting it on in a wave like motion.
Take apart your Oreo and remove the cream filling. Using a sharp knife, saw off an edge of the Oreo. It will have to be small because the mini cupcakes are pretty small.
Now for the fun part! Put on your two marshmallows where the eyes are and add your round sprinkle with a tiny bit of frosting. Put your orange M&M in the center of the eyes. Then add your Oreo Mouth below the nose and you are set!
My 2 year old daughter LOVED these Mini Elmo Cupcakes and she asks for them all the time!