In a small bowl, microwave or melt the stick of butter until it is just liquid.
In a different little bowl, mix the sugar, brown sugar, and cinnamon until well combined.
In a muffin tin holder, place cupcake liners in the holes.
Line up the biscuit pieces, butter, cinnamon/sugar dip and lined cupcake tin to create less of a mess, and to make the cakes easier with less hassle
Dip a biscuit piece into the butter and fully coat.
Then roll each piece in the cinnamon sugar mix.
Then move the coated buttery piece into the cupcake liner.
Place about 3-4 of the coated biscuit pieces into each cupcake liner.
Once all the liners are full, drizzle sweetened condensed milk over each of the doughy cakes (I usually don't go easy on the sweetened condensed milk because I love it!!).
Bake for about 15 minutes or until the monkey bread gets a little golden on top