Pop kettle corn in microwave according to package directions and pour into a large bowl. Remove any unpopped kernels.
Place 3 cups white chocolate chips in a bowl and microwave for 2 minutes, in 30 second intervals, stirring until smooth.
Pour melted chocolate over popped popcorn and mix until well combined.
Spread popcorn on prepared baking sheet.
Top with M&Ms and sprinkles.
Melt remaining white chocolate chips by microwaving for 1 minute. Add a few drops of red food coloring to melted chocolate and mix. Add more or less drops until you reach desired color.
Pour melted chocolate into a Ziploc (or piping) bag, cut a small hole in the corner and drizzle over the top of popcorn.
Let chocolate set up and serve.
Other Mix-Ins we love in this recipe
Red Nibs Licorice
Milk Duds
Red Hot
Any other M & M flavor
Conversation Hearts
Any pink, red, or white Valentine's Day candy. You could even try something gummy.